Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A New Y-E-A-R

My last post was about getting a job, I got an email the other day saying my first day is Jan. 26. I am excited but of course nervous...
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I did!

My Sister & Nephew came in the weekend before Christmas to spend a couple days. That was one of the best presents I received, spending time with them. I realize that I am very fortunate to have people in my life that love me and care so much.
As a tradition every Christmas Eve we spend the evening at my Grandparents house, cooking, eating, sharing memories,opening gifts & making NEW memories. My Dad always enjoyed Christmas, just as much as us kids. While watching all the kids open gifts on Christmas Eve I could just see Dad being amazed with all the excitement. I wished he could have been there to see how much our family has grown. But I am sure he was present,right by our side... even if we couldn't see him.
When we came back to our house Christmas Eve the boy's were playing with all their gifts. It was close to 11 PM and I told them after they got PJ's on, teeth brushed, and got Santa a treat out it was bed time. Taylor (my oldest) decided  leave Santa red velvet krispy kremes instead of cookies. 
Luke was in the floor playing 

and singing,"Santa Claus is coming to town!"

Taylor: "Luke, Santa isn't coming to our town

 because you wont go to sleep!!" 

After that they decided it as time for bed, but of course Daddy had to lay down with them.
As every year it's been such a rewarding & blessed feeling seeing my boy's face on Christmas morning.  We had diner Christmas Day at my In Laws, which was nice. The boys really enjoyed spending time with there cousins. After we left later that day we stopped by the graveyard where my Mom is buried.
The Holiday's are always harder on me, missing Mom and Dad, it doesn't get easier within time...you just learn to take it day by day. I am grateful for all of the memories we made, because that is what I will hold onto forever. I just wish Taylor and Luke could of had a chance to know who they truly were and make memories for them to keep forever. 

With the New Year quickly approaching I know I am one of many that "TRY" to make some sort of New Year's Resolution.

This year I am going to keep it simple:
  • Just BREATH
  • Not to dwell, worrying solves NOTHING
  • Not to lose myself within my FEARS
  • To talk more about my BLESSINGS than my BURDENS 
  • Beautiful things will happen when you distance yourself from the NEGATIVE 

I have been thinking a lot lately about making a -Bucket List- of things I want to accomplish before my HD progression. I will definitely be posting something soon.

I hope everyone has a great New Years!


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