Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A New Y-E-A-R

My last post was about getting a job, I got an email the other day saying my first day is Jan. 26. I am excited but of course nervous...
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I did!

My Sister & Nephew came in the weekend before Christmas to spend a couple days. That was one of the best presents I received, spending time with them. I realize that I am very fortunate to have people in my life that love me and care so much.
As a tradition every Christmas Eve we spend the evening at my Grandparents house, cooking, eating, sharing memories,opening gifts & making NEW memories. My Dad always enjoyed Christmas, just as much as us kids. While watching all the kids open gifts on Christmas Eve I could just see Dad being amazed with all the excitement. I wished he could have been there to see how much our family has grown. But I am sure he was present,right by our side... even if we couldn't see him.
When we came back to our house Christmas Eve the boy's were playing with all their gifts. It was close to 11 PM and I told them after they got PJ's on, teeth brushed, and got Santa a treat out it was bed time. Taylor (my oldest) decided  leave Santa red velvet krispy kremes instead of cookies. 
Luke was in the floor playing 

and singing,"Santa Claus is coming to town!"

Taylor: "Luke, Santa isn't coming to our town

 because you wont go to sleep!!" 

After that they decided it as time for bed, but of course Daddy had to lay down with them.
As every year it's been such a rewarding & blessed feeling seeing my boy's face on Christmas morning.  We had diner Christmas Day at my In Laws, which was nice. The boys really enjoyed spending time with there cousins. After we left later that day we stopped by the graveyard where my Mom is buried.
The Holiday's are always harder on me, missing Mom and Dad, it doesn't get easier within time...you just learn to take it day by day. I am grateful for all of the memories we made, because that is what I will hold onto forever. I just wish Taylor and Luke could of had a chance to know who they truly were and make memories for them to keep forever. 

With the New Year quickly approaching I know I am one of many that "TRY" to make some sort of New Year's Resolution.

This year I am going to keep it simple:
  • Just BREATH
  • Not to dwell, worrying solves NOTHING
  • Not to lose myself within my FEARS
  • To talk more about my BLESSINGS than my BURDENS 
  • Beautiful things will happen when you distance yourself from the NEGATIVE 

I have been thinking a lot lately about making a -Bucket List- of things I want to accomplish before my HD progression. I will definitely be posting something soon.

I hope everyone has a great New Years!


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Breathe, Trust & Let Go

 I had filled out an application online about 3 weeks ago and I got the call last week to come in for a interview yesterday. I was told to study over a email I had received, it was basically going over what would be going on in the interview. After reading and re reading at least 20 times I began to write out some of the questions, if I write it down to tend to remember it somewhat better. Needless to say I was a nervous wreck about it all. 
My interview was at 12:30 yesterday, I left my house an hour early to be there 15 minutes early. I made two pit stops on the way, first for a caffeine fix, second for a potty break (I cant hold my bladder when I'm nervous). Usually when I am driving by myself I have the radio blasting signing at my best, but not this trip I was repeating one of the questions I had to answer during the interview, over...and over. 
"Why should we hire you?"  
---I have always been a people person and really easy to get along with. I do personally believe that with my communication and multitasking skills,  along with the ability to catch onto new things quickly and my superior work ethic, it would all allow me to excel within this company.--- 
(A bit much I know....)
I pulled in 15 minutes early, looked over my notes again, then went inside. I told the Receptionist at the front desk who I was and that I was there for an interview. She made a phone call to let them know I was there. I sat down in the waiting area, dreading that I would probably be stuck in a room with 4-5 people overly dressed in suites... asking different questions, trying to not let the anxiety overtake my mind. 
A lady that was casually dressed came through the door and said, "Erica?"  I stood up and walked over to her she put her hand out to shake mine, "I am the Manager that will be doing your interview today." Within that instant it was if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. My interview went amazingly well, she was so down to earth and easy to talk too. I didn't even have to answer the question I was reciting on my way there. I know I stressed about it all but at least if I was asked  I would have been prepared rather than looking like a dear in headlights. 
I am happy to announce that within the next month I will be going back to work, I got the job!!
I feel so blessed to have gotten this opportunity, I know at times it may be tiresome and challenging but I can do this, not only for myself but for my Family. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Focus On The Good

I know I have neglected this for a while.
My Husband recently got laid off, completely unexpected and blindsided us all.He has worked underground in the coal mines for the past 10 years as an electrician and a foreman. I know it's a tough industry with all of the changes going on with the EPA and our lovely President. I am more than grateful that he has had a job this long. He is so use to working 6 and 7 days a week,  I have to admit a huge part of me is enjoying him being home for a change...so is our boys. They think he is on a long Thanksgiving break :) He has applied for other jobs, I know he will find something else soon.
As of right now I am enjoying my boys being home on Thanksgiving break and decorating for Christmas.

 I am hard on myself about things that I have done in my past, but it's called past for a reason, everyone has one... some people need to realize that. I have made a pact with myself to only focus on the good, I have so much in life to be thankful for I can't dwell on things that I can't change, my past & my health I cant change neither of those.  
But I can and will change my future by only focusing on the good.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The List Dosen't Define ME

I haven't updated sense my Doctors appointment. It all went well at the Huntington's Disease Center of Excellence at OSU. Every Wednesday they have a HD clinic and each patient has a 4-hr appointment, meeting with a Social Worker, Physical Therapist, Medical Students and then your Doctor. I was really impressed with the whole process and how in depth and understanding they all are. I was so happy that my Husband was able to take off work to go with me.

I was put on two medications, one for during the day the other at bedtime. My Dr told me to start taking the bedtime one first for one week then start the day one. I have had issues with the dosage, but I talked it over with my Doctor and it's now fixed. I literally didn't sleep any four nights straight. Tomorrow I start the day pill, and I am anxious to start it. I know with new medicine you are not going to get the correct dosage right the first time, I just hope and pray I don't have any side effects and it helps me. 

One Day At A Time

Sunday, November 2, 2014

One Step At A Time

I have been busy, we got so much accomplished this weekend with the move. When I say we, mostly the husband  . I don't know what I would do or be without him, honestly.
I have had a lot on my mind lately but I think it's just because I have a doctors appointment coming up Wednesday in Columbus, Ohio. I had to find a new Neurologist because my previous one stopped practicing medicine. I am a little nervous to start the process over but I hope and pray to just get some answers and a little more insight of why I feel the way I do. I will post an update sometime after my appointment to let everyone know how it goes, being that I have so many that read this ha-ha :)

Until next time

Thursday, October 30, 2014

HD Walk For Hope Weekend

We had our HD Walk for HOPE Weekend  and it was a huge success, we exceeded our $5,000 goal. I would like to say thanks to all the people that made it possible, you all know who you are.

Friday night we had the concert with local Christian and Bluegrass groups, Hammertowne, Larry Cordle and my Step Mothers group Living Water. They all done such an amazing job.

I made these collages of Dad and put them on a poster to hang up during the concert and carry during our walk. Just some pictures throughout his life some before HD, some after HD.

Saturday morning while sitting at a red light Taylor my oldest son who is 7, asked me why are we raising money for Huntington's Disease, I told him because that is what Papaw Jeff passed away from and we are raising money for people that have HD and money to find a cure. He then asked the dreaded question, "Does everyone that has Huntington's disease pass away like Papaw Jeff did, Mommy?'' I felt a pit in my throat and at that time I didn't know what to tell my Son. All I could say is we have to have HOPE that one day there will be a cure. Then it happened, a song came on the radio that was played at my Dad's funeral, Kansas- Carry On Wayward Son. If that wasn't a sign I don't know what is. I told Dad "Good morning and to watch over us today." Of course by this time I had tears in my eyes but I knew he was with us, just at the right time...telling me it was going to be okay.

 The boys and I made it to the church and started helping getting things together. Luke my youngest who is 4 decided he wanted to help put the sign out. It made my heart smile seeing everyone there helping to raise awareness for HD. As I have done the last 2 years, I walked with my Husband and our boys. Trying to make a difference in such a devastating disease, for myself, my family and every other person that is affected from HD.
I would also like to say thank you to The Levisa Lazer  in Louisa for doing a article on our HD Hope Weekend. I will post the link below.
                               HD Walk For Hope Weekend

Monday, October 20, 2014


I won't be posting for a few days. 
I have been really busy with moving and plus our Team Hope Walk is coming up this weekend so trying to get things in order for that. 
I will post pictures from our concert and walk sometime Sunday.
I know God will bless us with reaching our $5,000 goal, he has the last two years.
If anyone would like to donate, all money goes to HDSA to help families dealing with HD and finding a CURE. Thank you!!

                           Huntington's Disease Donations


Saturday, October 18, 2014

You Don't Walk This Path Alone

Why did I start a blog?
Not only for myself to use as an outlet for my feelings and everyday life but to document my journey with Huntington's Disease. At first I thought about just writing in a journal, something for my husband and boys to keep after I am gone but I decided it would be more beneficial for myself and others if I just started a blog. Of course one of the first things I thought of was, will anyone read it?

 One day there will be someone who reads this blog and they will say, "I am not alone." 
To have that feeling that you are not alone truly means everything.You can go from feeling like you are hopeless, to knowing you don't walk this path alone. I want to inspire people. I want someone to say because of you I will NOT give up.
One step at a time.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

That Time Again

This time four years ago I was at the nursing home with my Dad and Family. He had been hospitalized and put in ICU a couple weeks prior due to pneumonia and the fluid build up in his lungs from the progression of the Huntington's Disease. I just remember the look of fear in his eyes, fear that I had never seen in him before. 

When Dad tested positive for HD he had a living will made up in front of a lawyer, with a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) it was his wish to not have anything prolonging his life. I know deep down he done this because of all the years he watched his Mother suffer in the nursing home. 

October 14, we had a meeting with Dad's Doctor. My Step Mom, Sister, Brother, Husband and I, we all sat there and listened to the words we knew where coming to soon. "There is nothing else we can do for Jeff, his lungs are filling up with fluid and it is as if he is drowning." With this being said the emotions did hit us all, we made the decision to have him sent back to the nursing home on Hospice care. Over the next three days family came into say there goodbye's and we all prayed that God would just take him and end his suffering. We stayed around his bed, letting him know it was okay to go Home. I will never forgot when my Step Mom, Shona told us all to get up and come over by the window to pray. As we stood there and prayed, our back turned to Dad's hospital bed he took his last breath. He didn't want to go with us watching him. 

Sometimes it's hard to remember him before HD, but the memories I do have I will cherish forever. I feel at peace knowing he doesn't have to suffer anymore. I couldn't be selfish and want him back even though I miss him more than words can explain. I am beyond grateful that he had the chance to meet his Grandson's. Luke was just a baby but Taylor does remember his "Papaw Jeff" he talks about him often.

Dad was a proud Veteran and felt honored to have severed in the Army for his country.

 He enjoyed being outdoors, hunting, fishing or just mowing the lawn. I remember the long walks we would take on my Grandpas farm.
Then every moment after HD

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This is NEW

Today is the beginning of something new, my first BLOG post. This is going to be an outlet for myself, a way to deal with grief and just everyday life in general. You will get an insight on my journey with Huntington’s Disease and trying to find ways to deal with my anxiety and depression issues. If you are not aware to what Huntington’s Disease is please click on  ” What is HD?” & “About Me” on the right side of the page.
I am somewhat of a quiet person, I really don’t talk a lot. I find it much easier to write it all down. When I do have conversations with others I feel as if what I am thinking in my head is not what comes out of my mouth. A lot of people don’t know what I am going through, including some family. Some just think I have became cold, because of social withdrawal. I don’t feel comfortable around a lot of people, I honestly feel as if I am underwater and cant breath. I rarely leave the house other than taking my kids to school. Home is my safe place, with my Husband and our Boys. With that being said it doesn’t mean that I don’t love the rest of my family because I do, I love each and every one of them more than they will ever know. I was told by a family member that “Actions speak louder than words.” I have yet to explain to him how I feel and what I go through each and every day.
I don’t want people to feel sorry for me, or think I just use it all as an excuse, because I don’t. I just want others to know that I didn’t choose to be this way and with HD it wont get any better. My Husband understands that and he is my rock, I really don’t know where I would be without him.  He knows that my anxiety and depression are from the Huntington’s. Tonight we were lying on the couch watching TV together, he looked at me and said “Sometimes you act like your not even there.”  I told him that I know, because I do feel that way a lot, and I told him that he needed to tell that to my new Neurologist when we go next month.I have noticed the changes in myself over the last couple years, I think that my Husband is just piecing it all together.
Hoping and praying to find out some answers soon.
Until next time.